Sitemap - 2024 - Jane Sez...


The Misunderstood Little Girl

Do you know a wolf in sheep's clothing?

Baby bunny - a poem

This is how I feel

Mean Girl Summer

Real people - today's raw writing

My dog, my teacher!

Remembering my Dad on Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my Husband

A Day in the Life of a Frazzled, Frustrated Brain

I am a Late Bloomer

Where the "Bleep" were we?

Why does feeling proud of myself feel like bragging? Well not today!!

Beach Haven

The Last Day of School that wasn't

The Benefits of Yoga in Menopause

What is real in a world of AI, Bots and social media?

To all the Pets I Loved before

Rembering our dog Kya and questioning bots online. Yes, a dog's life is simple. Humans make it complex

One careless mistake after another and self doubt

Born to write

This 1960s house

I cried in physical therapy today (sort of)

A day in the Life

Motherhood is a gift

Friday's Raw Writing

Before you were my Mom

My Menopausal Sitcom Heroes

The story of us

Loneliness in midlife

Menopause Monday - installment #3

"I'm an introvert, and?

"Mom Always Says, Don't Play Ball in the House".

Behind the screens

Arthritis, tendonitis and bursitis. Surprise!

Liminal Photography

Grocery shopping or sulking in bed?

Thursday's thoughts - Are rotator cuff injuries trying to tell us something?

Menopausal Monday

Saturday afternoon raw writing

This is what Body Dysmorphic Disorder can look like

The Ugly Duckling

This old mare isn't what she used to be

To Read or not to Read

Did you have a "Tiffani" in your life?

Are body image issues in woman caused by nature, nurture, or social media?

Waiting for the perfect circumstances

Jane sez...

Jane Sez

Coming soon