Jane, I'm 68 and I refuse to say I'm old. I'm old-er. That stings a little less. Aging only sucks in my opinion because our bodies start to go outta warranty. I just had my MRI last Friday. My right knee has a torn meniscus and a Bakers Cyst. I would say the pain was worth than childbirth. 😂😂 (And my left shoulder is next.... like you, it's time spent in the gym thats to blame.) Anti-inflammatories helped immensely and now I'm waiting for what they wanna do. I read today that the amazing Jane Goodall is 90 years old and she still travels about 300 days a year, doing her priceless work in the wild. She's my inspiration today as I have an ice pack on my knee! Hang in there, girl! You're FAR from "old"... just need a tune up!

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Thanks @SusanNiemann. That's a good perspective and I love Jane Goddall!! My grandmother lived to be 100 and she is another inspiration as my 98 year-old neighbor that still hangs out laundry and cuts his grass. We will get there. I've heard about bakers cysts they be removed. I'm not a good candidate for meniscal surgery here because of arthritis. Sometimes it all hits the fan at once. You are doing great!! You got this. We both do

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Sending you good thoughts! And we have to be our own advocate, dont we? I just found out the hospital where I got my MRI sent ME the results and not to my doctor. WHAT? 🙄 Gotta stay on top of all this. HUGS!!!

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Thanks! That's for sure. I got my results too and my husband did for some tests he got done. In the patient portal. Both of us went to Google MD and worried about our interpretation of tests results while waiting to hear from Dr's 😡

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Oh...I understand. I want answers and I want them now!!! Hang in there!! ✌️

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Yep. The reports are so confusing. A little information can be dangerous

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I'm 66, and for me the worst part about aging isn't the big stuff, it's the weird little stuff that creeps up on you.

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It is the little things that creep up for sure! I was expecting arthritis and other issues at 80 because that is old, right? The is the biggest shock

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