
No words. I didn't realize places like that existed, it's something I can't read about now. Thank you for rescuing your sweet girls. We've had several rescues. Our one was from the south lived in a hoarding situation. He was one of the few dogs that made it out alive. So sad. Humans are letting these angels and gifts to us down

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I forgot to add that I’m honouring my grief and her memory through a weekly series called ‘Letters to Cleo’ 🐾 it feels therapeutic at a time when I really haven’t felt much like writing.

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Thanks commenting. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll have to check it out

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Your post popped up first thing when I opened my app this morning. I take this as a sign, I iust said goodbye for now to my beloved friend Cleo on May 11th. She would have been 14 in August. She got sick in December and I did everything I could to heal her body so she could stay here longer. But I made her a promise back then that the moment she let me know she was ready, I would help her go with dignity 🥹 it’s so hard to find support for our type of loss. Just know that I see you, and I’m so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful friend, Kya 🫶🏻💗

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Thank you so much. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I'm looking forward to reading. It's so difficult and it can be disenfranchised grief too for many. I work in the pet care industry. I am a self employed pet sitter. Pets are family. I've seen so many cross over the rainbow bridge. That part of my job never gets easier

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Aw your dog and mine have the same name! Mine is only two but she’s had a rough start in life. She was rescued from a dog meat farm in Korea that was abandoned during a wildfire and I got her at six months. She had to get a gastropexy then a ccl surgery and now she’s recovering from her second ccl surgery. But she’s a trooper and worth every ounce of energy and every penny. We get them for such a short time. She’s my third Korea rescue and I was heartbroken when I lost the first, Katara, whose story is partially here:


Sending you so much big love during this grief process.

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My heart both celebrates the beautiful bond you shared, and also aches for your loss. What a beautiful pup Kya was. I hope you still feel her loving presence nearby. Sending you gentle hugs.

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So sorry for your loss. We lost our 13 year shorkie The grief was so real. The bond we develop with our furry friends is so tight. Unconditional love ❤️ that’s all they give and want in return.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so difficult to lose a pet. They love us unconditionally and they are with us everyday. They are family

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It's never easy to lose a member of your family, whether 2 legs or 4. People can be dismissive of this type of grief, but grief is grief. May you take your time through this process. Hugs.

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Thanks so much, Janine

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May 26Liked by Jane Deegan

I'm so sorry again for the loss of dear Kya. ❤️🌈 It's so hard to put into words the true depth of the bond we share with these beautiful souls.

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Thank you so much for your comments and kind words. For myself, I am at a loss for words, there is no way to describe a loss of a pet

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May 26Liked by Jane Deegan

You're so right, there isn't. ❤️

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Oh Jane. I am so sorry for your family’s loss. Kya looks like such a good girl. Sending you love and healing. RIP Kya. ❤️

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Thanks so much, Leah. She was so sweet and loved everyone. She was always the center of family activity. When my son was younger she would run and play with his friends in our yard, she didn't want to miss a thing

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Kya, beautiful name and a beautiful,faithful,loyal friend to you and your family.

One day, you’ll have another dog, and although she won’t be Kya, she’ll be something else equally special.

God loves us , he gave us dogs!

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