
Thanks for commenting. I want to see people for who they really are with out a filter. I am guilty! I used a face smoothing filter at times but at a lower # The 9 and 10 look freaky! Sometimes I do post without a filter and I regret it later.

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Welcome to the world of Size 12 women; we’re still beautiful, even with tummies.

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I always wanted curves and I'm getting what I wished for it looks like. I was ruler thin most of my lives and I coveted the more voluptuous figures

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Thanks. Not a 12 (yet) but creeping my way back to a 10 it looks like 😭 Marilyn Monroe was a 14 I think and gorgeous!!

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So relate to this. I had to get everything off my phone. The comparison stuff was absolutely contributing to my depression. And even though I really WANT to use a filter on my 63 year old face, I don’t bc I know it contributes to the whole


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Not sure if I answered you or myself 🤦‍♀️. Keep it real and no filters. I'm trying here

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Jane, whatever the case, whatever the cause, always be yourself, like yourself, love yourself. Tape those knees with pride. Wear the shorts, yogas, long skirts-short skirts. Nobody can take anything away from you for being yourself.

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That's a great perspective. No one can take anything away from you being yourself. We all need to remember and live that!

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Advertising has hurt our self-image in a thousand ways. Persuasive messaging tries to make us think we'd be better if we just looked like that, or used this face cream, or weighed that much. I think age has finally beat me down to not giving a damn anymore. Now, my focus is good health and managing the little ailments that are starting to crop up. I'm also more focused on self care. I MAKE time for the gym at least 3 -4 days a week. A soothing bath now and then. A facial. A massage. Another tattoo. Because life is not guaranteed. I want to squeeze every precious drop out of my life that I can. Less things. More experiences. ❤️

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Thanks for sharing your self care Susan! I do pt for knees and now shoulder I do yoga when I can. It hit me about a year ago chronic conditions. It could be worse, but for a person that has been active it's devastating or was at first. Going into the 2nd part of life. I'm doing what I can to keep my mobility as I get older.

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My left shoulder and right knee have both gone "out of warranty"! Physical Therapists are geniuses in my book. When I do what they tell me to, it's so much better! 😂 Keep moving and by all means, love yourself enough to do what feels better!! 😘

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So true and I thought I saved my toned down version of the post, but I didn't. Oh well. I think it's my laptop unsaved

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Jun 20Liked by Jane Deegan

Yes COVID changed me in many ways .Social media has too .Yet mainly mine is health related . I am a 67 year old hippie that has heart troubles and cancer . Yet it was mt own stupidity that changed my life . How will I look if i go out with long hair jeans and so on . Yet I know inside that was a big mistake , true friends will except you no matter what you do or wear . Social media and in my case health shouldn't;t change us . I have seen others with swollen knees , bloated , bad scars , veins , did i get sick disgusted or mad because they wore things they did , not one bit . They were them just trying to feel young and sexy . Wear whatever you feel great in , I am sure hubby will love it .Your self esteem might love it . You will start to enjoy life love and your self more , goes to all that responded to this . hugs to all

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Thanks so much Mitch for your honestly and your perspective. Be you. It would be a boring world if we were all the same. Seriously!! I'm going to rock that knee tape and wear whatever the hell I want. It is a gift to be alive. We all get caught up in bs sometimes as this article reflects

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Jun 21Liked by Jane Deegan

Jane you need to be you ,I have meniscus tear in right knee . Like you I have to keep knee wrapped and unlike you I have to use a cane , Because I had surgery for tear and goofed that up hour after surgery my fault . Do I wish i could get out more very much so , yet when Drs tell you you might live a year sort of deflates you . You be you Jane , live life to fullest and enjoy it .Wear what you want do what you want . Social media has made many scared to do anything , that is very sad . Life is to short for doing things because others think it is right , we need to do things because we want to and not take any bs . Hell you can even tye dye wrap for knee , my Dr gave me a batman one lol , was funny but wore it still do . You and husband will enjoy doing more ,And you will love loving yourself . hugs to all . Sorry I type so bad . I just give honest and caring thoughts to all my friends .

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I'm so sorry. It puts life into perspective

Life is short for sure

Tie dye wrap or Batman even better. Thanks for your honesty here and expressing it though your writing

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Jun 21Liked by Jane Deegan

Yes it does ,I could blame drs for it , or abuse from drinking and drugs nothing heavy drug wise . Yet blaming anyone wouldn't help . As long as I can give advise .And people can put up with bad typing I am ok . Many things in life i regret many I am ok with . you just be you . love all you write and comments you make many hit very close to home . So I respond . hugs to you and family and all your followers . I have always been honest at times too honest according to some

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Thanks so much, Mitch. I appreciate it

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The biggest lesson I have learned in my life is to stop living up to other people expectations. Wear the shorts, or the mini-skirt if you like it. Wear white after Labor Day. Wear whatever TF you want. And if other people care, that's their problem, not mine. I have no more fucks to give, I live my life according to my rules when it comes to what I wear and how I look. Taking the first step is hard, but after that, you'll never understand why you cared so much. Freedom!

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I wore shorts yesterday and I rock my knee tape if I need it. It's summer ☀️

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Jun 20Liked by Jane Deegan

Thanks for sharing! I’m still deep in my isolation phase of menopause. Not so much caring what others think though. It takes so much for me to leave my house. Someday I’d like to take the 40 minutes to drive to civilization so I could finally buy some clothes that fit my menopausal body. It’s been years since I’ve bought clothes.

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I think isolation is common in menopause. It makes sense! Shopped today and nothing fit. I was thinner last summer but unhappy this year gaining weight back and I feel more content. It's still a bummer shopping and realizing I jumped a size or 2 and that stupid visceral tummy fat and bloat

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Jun 22Liked by Jane Deegan

Yeah, it’s taking me a minute to feel comfortable in my menopausal weight gain. Probably part of the reason why I like isolating.

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It's that way for me. I lost weight last year now gaining it back now nothing fits 😭 People are all shapes and sizes yesterday and owning it too. Additude 🔥

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Sometimes it takes me awhile to leave the house if I'm not walking dogs. I want to look nice but I have so many yoga pants and t-shirts (Pet Sitting uniforms) I have mild body dysmorphia. I've had it most if my life. It is a challenge

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Jun 22Liked by Jane Deegan

Love my comfy ‘uniform’ clothes more than anything. Sorry you experience mild body dysmorphia.

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The mom uniforms rock, but really people wear anything!!

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If I have learned anything in life, it’s not being afraid of what others think of me. 99% of the time, if they register my appearance at all, it’s just to characterize me and then get back to what they were thinking about. They simply spend far less time thinking about us than we assume. We are more concerned about our appearance than they ever will be.

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It's so true, Nick! Everyone is worried about themselves, like I was. I was so stuck in my head or phone that I didn't look around me

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