Jul 4Liked by Jane Deegan

Oof that degenerative arthritis is a son of a gun, I tell you what. I relate to this. Some moments are hard. The majority of the time I am so grateful and thankful. But sometimes I’m not grateful that things aren’t worse πŸ˜‚. However, I am grateful that there are ones that understand. πŸ’›πŸ«‚ wonderful article.

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It stinks and I was expecting it at 80 not 54. There was no warning, running one day and I rested for the weekend and it turned into days, months you get the picture. Some days it hits me and I grieve. I know I have a lot to be thankful for and on another day I will be

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Thank you for sharing your vulnerability Jane. Sending you love and hugs. You’ve got this β€οΈπŸ€—

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Thanks so much !

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Jane, I'm touched by your honesty. We need to allow space for the grief! Thanks for sharing us how.

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Thanks Sandra. Not easy. It's feelings that many of us have had at one time or the other. It's not always easy to talk about

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Well, I woulda tripped her.


OK. Maybe I wouldn't have. At 68, I have body parts that are starting to go out of warranty. It sucks. And since theres nothing I can do about it, I make modifications, and go on. I think in 10 short years I'll be SEVENTY EIGHT! WTH? I had lunch with an 83 year old this week and I want to be just like her. Sharp as a tack, tech savvy, funny, informed...I need to ask her how she stays above her bad back and other ailments. You're a smart gal, Jane. My counselor once told me: The only way out is through. You will absolutely get past this. ❀️❀️❀️

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πŸ˜„ 🀣 πŸ˜‚ you gave me a good laugh @susanneiman we should've teamed up. Not her fault she was born before me though - still..

I don't want to be that bitter lady. I remember many years ago when I was young middle age and older woman would give me a snippy attitude and would give me the once over. I vowed I would never be like that. I wanted kindness so bad. I vowed to be kind. I am human though

The only way is to get through it. No short cuts. Love that too

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I'm glad I could make you laugh... remember this: That young girl, if she's lucky, will grow older, and her parts will start to slowly go out of warranty, too. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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It happens to all of us. She was born at a different time that's all. I don't know of her struggles. You can't go by someone's outward appearance. It's just a shell. I know that. There are days I forget and that's ok

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Yes I have been jealous a few times , but realized it was just me for most part . Granted some gave me great reason that is honest .Sure once we get older we get jealous of what others can do without the aches and pains , but that is just us feeling bad about us . great article Jane

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Thanks so much Mitch. It has to do with us (me). It's a feeling I don't have often but I hate it

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I don't think anyone likes either , jealousy or aches and pains lol. Me I have way to much of one that it made other one a lot worse . So I hate both . Hugs

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I'm so sorry Mitch. It doesn't make it easier either way

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Know it doesn’t ,, yet you would think I would of learned by now lol . Yet I haven’t . you have nothing to be sorry for . Just keep being you Jane , hugs and peace

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Jul 4Β·edited Jul 4Liked by Jane Deegan

I get where you’re coming from with the mobility issues. It seems when something goes they all start to go. I used to be able to walk for hours, play sports, ride a bike. Those days are gone. It took a little while to realize I wasn’t a kid anymore, and wasn’t capable. The back, the knees, the neck - just about everything hurts in some way. When I had my knee replaced, there was some serious therapy…obviously. I’ll always remember the therapist telling me β€œyou’ll never kick yourself in the butt with that leg ever again”. She was right, and when I realized that she was right and I couldn’t, I then focused on what I could do. Simply, it was my leg being functional and I moved on. I can’t do the 2 hour walks anymore, but I get a lot of satisfaction out of those 30 minute adventures.

You have your business, you love the dogs. Focus on what you can and appreciate what you have. I get mad sometimes because I get crabby about some of this stuff, then I’ll see a commercial for Shriners Hospitals or St Jude and I feel guilty. I see these kids with no arms, no legs, brittle bones, cerebral palsy. And they are always upbeat. They are an inspiration. They have it so much harder, yet I’m the one yelping about my little inconviences.

I don’t mean to be preaching, that’s not my intent. I can’t sit here and tell you how to feel. I can’t say don’t grieve. I guess what I’m trying to say is there are things you do have. Things may not be perfect, but you have a purpose, there are those who rely, depend and need you and even though you don’t always realize it, you shine. You shine brighter than the brightest star. The easiest way to move ahead is to talk it out and not hold it in. You do that. I don’t think old feelings ever totally go away, especially painful ones, but it’s surviving those events that make us stronger and wiser. You’re doing alright. Whatever happens, Jane, always remember to be yourself because that is something no one can ever take from you.

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Thanks so much for your kind words and your perspective. A knee replacement is in my future but I'm too "young" meaning under 60 and I don't think I'm ready yet. My husband and I are both active, and have physically active jobs and it's catching up to us. That part stinks.

I'll surface from grief I have over myself. It is unique to me and it doesn't mean I'm not thankful for what I do have

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Don’t wait too long on the knee thing. Yes, they only last 15 years or so and you’ll need to replace the replacement. But from experience, the arthritis will get to you, and the activity you do have will become harder and harder. There are things they can do to ease pain, mainly gel injections. They do work, but generally don’t last too long. You do need to be ready though. The mental thing works on you too, especially if there is some type of history with surgeries, either you or someone close.

Bahh ! To much to digest on a holiday πŸ™„πŸ™„. Get out and enjoy the day ! Grill some burgers take a walk. Kick back, have a glass of tea and live !

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Oh and we are hosting our annual 4th of July party. Not much relaxing, but it will be great catching up with friends and family

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I do the gel injections and my insurance only accepts 1x a year and it wore off before my busy season as a dog walker. I've appealed and no luck. I'm due in August for another injection. They did help. I had a knee injury from playing sports as a teen maybe that was it, but it's starting in other knee now. I'm going to get a second opinion now. It's the quality of life and doctor's need to listen to women more and understand that.

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Feel your feelings. You've got this. πŸ’œ

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Thanks Janine. Feeling are feelings. Grief isn't linear. I will surface, I always do

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