
Thanks so much, Ken. It is so true in a relationship, especially in a long term one and for myself.

Congrats on your wins and thanks for posting. I have your article on my list of reads.

I'm glad you appreciate my work and for all the reader that do. I didn't know what to expect here on Substack. I'm thankful for it and there are so many amazing writers here

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My Hobbit (husband) tells me that I am a queen of "gushing". in other words, I gush compliments and affirmations and validations on people. It's kinda my thing...and...it's really hard sometimes because I would say at least 75% of the time, the first instinct of the recipient of my gush is to say "no" in some form or other. I literally have to teach people I gush at how to say thank and accept my gift.

so here's my "gush" to you today Jane.

I love that you are a pet-sitter, and that you've committed to that for 8 years. Running a business is HARD, and having the grit to match the passion is a magick combo of resilience and tenacity. You've got em all. Mom-bun, or pet-sitting pony, or church going dress-me-up...you ARE pretty...yes, you are smokin' hot on the outside, AND it's the heart, smarts, guts, grit, and dash of luck that writhe around inside you that make you post 37 times in 90 days. You put yourself out here, in the same way a dog waggles his happy little butt for all the world to see...and I know for all dog-lovers would agree, to be compared to the happy of a butt-waggle is high praise.

in answer to your question, what am I proud of myself for today? I'm proud that I'm posting a mini-course on Substack and trying out how it works there...after 25 years of business, I keep educating and I keep doing it in ways that match my integrity 100%.

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Thanks so much!!! You just made my day, really!! I am a gusher too with compliments and they are sincere. I feel like life is rough enough for most people and kindness goes a long way. Now I need to that to myself. When I look at someone I see the whole person. For myself and I think most people, can focus on the perceived flaws in ourselves and that's all we see.

Congratulations on your mini-course that is wonderful!! Again, the kind words I appreciate 🥰

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It's so easy to see the WHOLE person in others. and we NEED others to see and gush to the WHOLE person in us.

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For sure!! I will try. Baby steps

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Nice work Jane! You’ve hit the nail on the head - it is hard to compliment ourselves sometimes. Don’t know if that’s a female thing or not. Don’t see that many men struggling with it!

This week I got back at the front of the room delivering a workshop after 2 years out with maternity leave. It felt good and like riding a bike. But I was soooo nervous before hand. Like for days before hand. As soon as I turned on the music to get myself ready 10 mins before the start, it all came together and I sailed through it. That’s my biggest win this week.

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Thanks Selda! It does see to be more of a female thing. That's not to say some men don't struggle with it. Maybe they do and don't talk about it

That's so awesome with your workshop. A win for sure!

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Internal beauty is perhaps more important than external beauty. Internal beauty is really the definition of who you are. Hubby gets to see that internal beauty, the real you, and that’s where his love for you is. I’m willing to bet he always thinks of you as hot and you changing your look for a day just woke him up to that to the point he said it out loud. No doubt, for what you do and who you really are, you should be proud.

3 wins ?

-First is getting my career path post story done and posting here. It took almost a week. It was one of the things I wanted to do when I started here. I’ve been here about as long as you have.

-Second what I would say is an always win, being alive to tackle another day. That’s tough, but being here and getting stuff out helps out by being therapeutic and complimenting therapy sessions.

-Third, reading your work. Something I look forward to.

Hope your day is great 😊

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Thank you for sharing, Jane. That was beautiful! You have lot of great achievements in your life to celebrate and you’re a great human being. You can be very proud of yourself and acknowledge them as you just did.

I’ve started to accept compliments with a thanks and a smile rather than a « no, it’s very exaggerated... » only a few weeks ago and it’s still a work in progress. Being proud of myself is not so ongoing right now. It took me months to be proud about achieving the writing of my first novel, I made a note about it this week, and the awe in some of my friends’ eyes helped a lot, it made me realize that maybe not everybody was able to write one and I should at least take a little credit out of it. I’m learning and growing to become a better human being everyday and that, I can be proud of. Lots of love.

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Thanks so much for your kind words. It is a challenge for sure for many of us I think. Congratulations on your Novel. I need to check that out. It has been a dream of mine (since I was 6!!) To have a published novel. I've written a few that sit in notebooks and pages are fading

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You can read the whole magic story of this novel's creation in my latest post: https://geraldineclaudel.substack.com/p/weekly-special-1db

But it is not published yet, far from it. For now, it is in the hands of a published writer friend of mine who is editing it and, I hope, if he likes it, will propose it to his own publisher. Fingers crossed.

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Jun 7Liked by Jane Deegan

Congratulations, Jane! Good for you for taking a moment to acknowledge your accomplishments. Bask in the satisfaction of creating a fulfilling life.❤️

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Thanks so much @mariahanley. I'm trying, but still trying to kick the Imposter in me out if you know what I mean

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I definitely do.😘

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Jun 6Liked by Jane Deegan

I’m so proud of you! Yay, for being proud of yourself too! It’s hard to admit sometimes.

Your writing is beautiful and so inspiring!

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Thank you so much my friend! I'm so glad you are here and have been in my life for so many years. I admire your writing and I hope to see it here . 💜

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Jun 6Liked by Jane Deegan


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I love this! Three cheers for you! 💚 Hmmm three wins… I successfully threaded a sewing machine today having not touched it for literal years. I completed a painting at the start of the week after sorting out my desk so I actually have space to paint. And I successfully sorted all the paperwork in preparation of starting a new job next week. 💚

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Thank so so much! Cheers to you! I have no idea how to thread a sewing machine, you are my hero!! Thanks wonderful with painting and new work space. I need to get organized. Can you share your painting on Substack ?!?! 😀

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I would do but it’s a knock off of the Pokémon Van Gogh crossover and I’m weirdly worried about getting sued. I’m working on a new painting at the moment so I’ll be posting that one when it’s done. 😅 I’ve got more thread arriving today as I’ve got two pairs of work trousers to take up the hems of and I managed to do one and a half trouser legs before I ran out of thread. Ooops. 💚

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That's awesome!! I can't even thread a needle. It has brought me to tears trying, true story

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Oh I can well believe that. I was having stern words with the machine in between watching a YouTube tutorial on how to thread it. I can now proudly say that as of five minutes ago, two pairs of trousers now have legs of the appropriate length! And I’ve put the infernal machine away not to be touched again for a while. Maybe I should do another small project so I don’t forget the knack… 💚

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Aren't YouTube tutorials the best though?! I had to do an emergency fish tank filter change and was panicking but the video saved the day. True story. Keep up with your sewing!

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Congratulations on your anniversaries and all of the self love!!!

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Thank you!!

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"This might be my most difficult post yet!"

Jane it wasn't; you should ALWAYS feel good about yourself. My Glad for you !


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What is the link? I don't click on any outside links

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Jane; the youtube link is: Nina Simone, singing - "feelings good"....

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Well done, Jane! I think we're conditioned to be smaller, as women. Being proud makes you bigger and has you take up space. Be proud of your accomplishments! Take up space! It's awesome!

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This is something I'm trying to find answers too below 😉

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Why are we conditioned to be smaller as women? That's an interesting perspective.

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Because we live in a male dominated society where women are supposed to be quiet and small to let the men shine. This is a huge oversimplification, but our patriarchal society still sees women as second class citizens.

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It's hard! I still feel unsettled by this post. Not sure why

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Congratulations on your amazing work Jane! Well, I'm proud of my self for enduring the hardships in life. This weeks win is starting Substack 💕

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Thanks so much! Congratulations to you and welcome to Substack! Your content is so interesting and I'm looking forward to reading more!

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Jun 5Liked by Jane Deegan

That’s so beautiful and congrats on all the hard work you’ve done for yourself, your writing, and your business!! Incredible! 🥰

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Thanks Lori! This was so difficult to write. I wrote earlier in the day and by the end of the day my mood shifted. The writing didn't feel authentic anymore but I kept plowing through if that makes sense. I'm not sure how I feel about this post to be honest. I was always taught to be humble growing up

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Jun 5Liked by Jane Deegan

You can be humble, confident, and proud at the same time. You are worthy of them all.

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Thanks so much! ❤️

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When I see my wife (of similar years) dressed up, I think she looks pretty too. Always a good thing to hear, and always a good thing to say.

And it ain’t bragging if it’s so.

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That's wonderful!! Keep telling her that!! I tell my husband you can't say it enough

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