Jun 8Liked by Jane Deegan

We've just had to say goodbye to our sweet baby girl, Brie. She was my heart kitty and for two and half years we have been fighting to find a cure to her health issues after being born poorly and several of her litter mates passing away. Our hearts are shattered in a million pieces. She has been battling breathing issues and on steroidal medication that was slowly destroying her internal organs and immune system. It was the hardest decision to make as she was so young and yet we could not bear to see her suffering and struggling to breathe anymore. It's times like this that I really do hope there is a Heaven where she is safe and loved and free of suffering. πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

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I'm so sorry to hear. It's hard saying good-bye especially when they are so young. You loved her and did the kindest thing for her in the end. There are so many kitties that are born sick now. I see it more often now with the rescues I support. We had a kitten (Isaac) a beautiful boy pass away at only 5 months old. He had FiP unknown to us. His little life and his littermates were cut so short from that horrible illness. I try to give my self solace to know that we loved him in his short life and he was loved. When it was time for him to cross the Rainbow Bridge he was surrounded by love. Brie was loved in her short life and she knew she was loved too by you. Rest in Peace Brie❀️ 🌈 🐾

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Jun 8Liked by Jane Deegan

Thanks so much, Jane. I'm really struggling with this one especially as it was not the outcome I ever imagined we would have to face losing another one so young. I'm so sorry about little Isaac. πŸ’œ We adopted a kitten, Merlin, from a charity 10 or so years ago and he had FIP also, and was also 5 months old when we had to say goodbye. We do take solace in knowing he and Brie were both showered with love in their short time with us. We have 2 other cats currently, an 11 yr old tortie who we rescued as a baby living feral in someone's back garden and 7 yr old tuxedo boy named Rosco,also from a charity. Both cats haven't left our side since yesterday and Rosco spent a lot of time with us in bed last night snuggling close so I think he knew we were hurting. Xx

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It's like our pets know. I've noticed changes in our pets too after losses. Our dog now will not sleep in his bed (it was next to Kya's) I moved his little bed next to mine and that's where he sleeps nows. He's also hanging our with our 2 cats more now

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Aw yes, they definitely feel the loss and seek out comfort like we do. Our Rosco seems to be puzzled by all the upset and has stuck close to us. Thank you so much for replying to my comments, it's so kind of you and is a help to reach to a fellow empathic soul who feels things deeply and loves animals as much as we do. Xx

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Thank you for your poignant piece. My calico cat is Pretty Girl! She doesn’t do much but lay around. She is a rescue cat. I think she was kenneled a lot, doesn’t know how to play. I found her in a foster home weeks after my sweet little Fifi died.

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Thank you so much for your kind words. Your cat sounds beautiful and they all have their own personalities. How long ago did you rescue her?

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About two years ago. She hates having me approach from her front. I think she may have often been grabbed and pulled from a cage😿 she is so sweet and looks at me adoringly. I tell her she is home now. She is about 9

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Poor baby! You have no idea what happens to them in her past. It sounds like she feels safe with you and knows she is loved.

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Such beautiful pics and memories - a wonderful tribute. I had a beloved tabby cat Tessie, a rescue, growing up who sadly we lost after a house move (devastating), but I went on to have others, but none of them of course could ever take the place in my heart of those that came before. Mostly all rescues, apart from our two year old tabby (again!), Marie. She's a cheeky girl, and keeps her brother, a distinguished 15 year old gentleman, on in toes! So lovely to have come across this lovely essay, via notes!

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Thank you so much for reading and sharing your memories! I'm glad you enjoyed my post. You're right. None of them could ever take thier places. They all have something that makes them special in thier own way

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Totally! 🐾🐾 :)

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May 27Liked by Jane Deegan

This was such a lovely and emotional read. I lost my dog a few years ago and he was my best friend for the 11 years that we had him. Losing him was one of the most painful experiences of my life, and I still think about him every single day.

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Thanks James. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so hard losing our pets they become our best friends and family

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May 27Liked by Jane Deegan

This is lovely, thank you for sharing your memories. I grew up surrounded by cats, dogs, hamster, gerbils, rabbits, even a nanny goat. I have always felt most comfortable and safe in the company of animals and continue to proudly share our lives with them. πŸ’š

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Thanks Wendy and thank you for reading my post and commenting. A Nanny Goat! How cool is that. My husband wants a goat too. Pets give me peace too. I gave a pet sitting business so I get to be with pets all day. Best job ever

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May 28Liked by Jane Deegan

How wonderful, pet sitting is something I've thought about many times. To be able to work with animals all day sounds like the best job. Yes, our dear little goat, Nanny, was so much fun and such a little character. She used to play with our border collie, so cute.

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I started my business almost 8 years ago. It was scary but so glad I did. I was a hairstylist before so two different careers. How cute that they used to play together your dog and goat!! Love it! We've had 2 dogs including our current boy that has border collie. He is 11 and still romps like a puppy

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This is lovely. You never forget your your childhood pets (probably why so many of us use their names as passwords now...) I recall having a maniac hamster called Tootsie, who used to swing from the bars of her cage... When you've grown up with cats and dogs, their passing will often remind you of different periods throughout your life, good or bad. The only constant being their loyal presence during this time. ❀️

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Thanks so much Sharon! The loss of a pet does bring back so many memories of past pets. Tootsie the hamster!! That's so cute. I didn't realize they were that active

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When I was a kid, we weren't allowed any pets larger than a guinea pig. We had gerbils, hamsters, and my sister finally wore down my mom and got a guinea pig. When I graduated from college, the first thing I did was rescue 2 cats, Ernie and Bert. They were tiny little black babies that were the size of my hand. Fully grown they only got to 6 and 7 lbs respectively. I loved those boys.

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I always wanted a guinea pig! They're adorable! They are fun pet sit, they have their own personalities. Ernie and Bert for the kitties. I love it!!

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Loved this, thank you. Pets are precious to my heart.

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Your welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed my post. Thanks so much for reading and commenting

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This is great...and while it might have been hard to write, it might also have been cathartic. I love cats but am super allergic to them. At the farm, we have 4 barn cats and then Mr. Nell, who showed up as a kitten before we even built the house. He recently scratched my brother pretty deeply as EJ was breaking up a fight between Mr. Nell and another cat, Tiger. EJ had to go the Emergency Room and ended up in the hospital for two days with blood poisoning. 15 stitches in his left hand and ALLLL the antibiotics. It was bad. But we still love Nell... there are also two rescue dogs and they seem to remember me when I go home. Pets just carve a place in your heart, dont they!?

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Thanks so much for reading my pair commenting. Oh my 15 stitches, and blood poisoning, yikes! That's sweet with the rescue dogs. I think pets do remember us!! I notice that with my work and I'm always amazed when pets seem to remember me a year or even more later

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This was such a beautiful read. Thank you for sharing your past pets with us, it really made me smile. I had a cat called Tiddles (I did not name her) who was a crotchety old tabby cat. She loathed me when I was a small child, but we formed a sort of pact when I became a teenager and she would sit on my lap for a few minutes and allow me to stroke her head and shoulders. ONLY her head and shoulders. That was very important, as I would gain the claw marks to prove. She used to sleep at the top of the stairs (there was a hot water pipe that ran under the floorboards which kept her warm and encouraged her to continue to be the resident trip hazard). We had her until the vet said she was suffering at 15.

I also had a small ginger coloured hamster called Brody-Mo that we found on the uni campus just wandering about (named partly for Brody Dalle who sings in The Distillers and partly after a friend who joked that as he was the first person we bumped into after finding her that she should be his namesake). My parents weren’t ecstatic about her arrival but they relented and we had her for a couple of years of destroying loo roll tubes before she died of old age. My mum cried harder than all of us and my dad reflected that he was the only person she never managed to bite (she tried but he has tough skin!) Wishing you all the best. πŸ’š

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Thanks so much for sharing. They all have their own stories

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Thanks so much for reading my post and commenting. It's amazing how pets find us sometimes and their bond can grow over time. I think every pet has a unique story and it so interesting to hear. Thanks for sharing

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