I had never heard of Kintsugi-that's very cool. When I was younger, I confess to trying way too hard to be perfect. My ad agency, my daughter, and trying to be so many things to so many people. Exhausting. And unrealistic. Now, I'm a lot more accepting of myself. Maybe age has just beaten me down! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ But I do think I have earned the right to love and nurture my heart and soul... life is getting shorter and I understand I need to savor them. Good essay. πŸ‘

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Thank you! Kinstsugi is newer to me too and I'm still learning about it. It's a whole philosophy. It's hard being so many things to other people, eventually it catches up to us. I'm concentrating on what and who is really important to me. I think with age we have less time for us and that is with ourselves too πŸ˜‰

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Yes age has that effect. At 71 I’m finally too tired to please anyone or care about their opinions. Very lonely on this side, though.

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It can be and you can't make everyone happy, just yourself

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You described me before my 40s. Once I set down my perfectionism and embraced my imperfect, messy self, I discovered that who I was was pretty cool. I liked her much better than the person I felt like I had to be. Most of my anxiety went away too.

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That's great! I feel like I'm transitioning into that now and it's not easy. I need to take my own advice πŸ˜‰

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It's a process, for sure, but totally possible. Are you familiar with Brene Brown's book The Gifts of Imperfection? It was a game changer for me.

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Apr 27Liked by Jane Deegan

So beautifully written! I remember the episode well and this is a great analogy with how we mask and mask and mask until we burn out. We are worth unmasking for ourselves and our health thanks us when we do. Love this!

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Thanks! I pictured this one day and I was hoping I could somehow connect the two. Your right, about masking. One day we don't want to mask anymore. Maybe it's a middle age thing

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Apr 27Liked by Jane Deegan

Yeah, that GenX middle age πŸ™Œ

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Absolutely πŸ’―

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It does and it's hard

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