
Thanks so much, Lori! Life is a gift, each year. Becoming a mom is a gift especially later in life a with both of us. I was talking to my husband about that today and he thinks having children older can keep you younger. I agree

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Please don't cringe. I'm 81 and, indeed, it's all just a number. The idea is to live and appreciate those things that are beautiful.

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Thank you and age IS a number!

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Jun 8Liked by Jane Deegan

Yes! Embrace our age!! Love this post my friend! Some don’t make it this far. I always say that I can’t believe I made it to this age at every birthday. I like 55. I was also a late bloomer in so many ways. And I had my kiddo at 41. 🙌

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Jun 8Liked by Jane Deegan

Beautiful! I am going to be 65 and everyday is like added icing on the cake! Lol! But for real! Don’t know if I’m getting too sweet I mean like yucky too sweet but I am here and until I’m not I’m going to rejoice and when I’m not here well then girlfriend I will really be rejoicing cause God is good!!

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So true!! Thanks!

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A reminder to embrace our age and life experiences while chasing new dreams at any age. Society's standards should not define us - our journey and passion do. Keep shining and motivating others with your story, Jane :-).

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Thanks so much for your inspiring words. I need to remember to take my own advice too

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Jun 8Liked by Jane Deegan

This post very much resonates for me, too. You look fabulous, Jane, and you are so right about 'age'. I am turning 59 in a couple of months and was also a late bloomer. I don't think of myself as an age, I think it's about one's inner spirit. Aside from a few minor aches and pains and some menopausal changes I feel very lucky to be me, at my current calendar age. It feels like a badge of honour and I think that's how it should be. 💜

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Thanks so much! I would've guessed you to be a 20 something or millennial, but almost everyone seems that way to me now!! Agree it us our inner spirit! I kind of have an old soul, but a kid at heart if that makes sense

Oh yes menopause! It got me. My knees (arthristis) will tell me my age too. I've always been active and tried to live a healthy life style, but it still got me and that stinks

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I admire your courage, Jane. I'm 55, too, and I also feel like a late bloomer. It is difficult to reveal ourselves in a culture and online world that leans young. Yet here we are, showing up daily despite the obstacles.

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Thanks so much Ryan! We got this! 50s are so much younger now than I remember it being as a child

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Ha! A good sign that you’re enjoying your 50s. Let’s keep truckin’!

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Thank you for this beautiful reminder, Jane ❤️ I'm 45 and still figuring out things. It's great knowing that it's okay to keep reinventing ourselves time and again, as and when we desire, whether we are 20 or 100.

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Thanks so much for your reminder. We can keep inventing ourselves. I love that! I feel like when I was your age and now, I was just getting started in life

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I guess I’m a baby compared to everyone here - I’ll be 45 in September (or as I call it, “Bridgerton 30” since all of the actors are years older than their characters (Nicola Coughlan (Penelope) is 37 playing 20 or so)). I’m realizing I’m middle age and this phase is really weird, especially in 2024. When my parents were my age, all of their peers had teenagers or kids about to become teens. Fast forward to me and if we have kids, ours range from toddler to 19!

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You are a younin' lol. Now I'm the one saying that. 45, 55 whatever seems so much younger now than when our parent/grandparents were our age. My parents had us older 29, 34 and 38 for my brother. Back then were old parents. Now that's the norm anymore. My mother-in-law was 40 when she had my hubby.

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My parent were 30 (Mom) and 31 (Dad) when they had me. They weren’t young for their generation but not old either. Most women who were 30 and pregnant in ‘79 were having their second baby. I was my parents’ one and only. They wanted a nest egg before they had kids. They claimed that they decided, tried and got me at that first try. My mom has never said she had miscarriages before me.

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I think my parents did with the nest egg. Married at 26 had their careers, house etc. Kind of like what it is today. I did the opposite married at 19, career later had our 1st and only child at 38.

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My parents HAD to do the nest egg thing being immigrants. My dad’s family didn’t have that much when he was growing up (I’d say a notch or so above poverty? Always enough to feed the family, but had to rent out/sublet rooms in their apartment to make ends meet). My mom was more than a few notches above, so floating around the middle class mark but not TV sitcom middle class if you know what I mean. And coming to Canada to go to school and then becoming immigrants, they knew they had to reach the comfy middle class mark before starting a family. And that includes buying a house. They also had to support my mom’s parents in addition to me!

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They were self made people and it's so inspiring to hear. As immigrants you don't have a choice. The playing ground isn't even for them and they work have to work harder than the rest of us. I shared with you about my grandfather coming to this country as a teen and having to start a life for himself, and he did. He worked for every penny of it. I'd love to hear more of their story too and your culture. You mentioned the other day on your post about suggestions on what to write. This has my vote :)

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My mom always lied about her age, and then lied about how old my sister and I were, because she couldn't possibly have children that old. I have always embraced my age and the wisdom that comes with it. I embrace the "wisdom sparkles" in my hair, and while the changes in my body have been more of a struggle, I embrace them too. You look amazing, Jane. Own that!!

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And thank you for the kind words

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Wisdom sparkles, yep got those. This is the 1st age I've struggled with. 30, 40, 50 nope. I had no trouble even saying I'm 53 or 54. 55 got me for some reason

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Jun 8Liked by Jane Deegan

I completely relate to being an old soul but still very much in touch with my inner child as well. Age related aches and pains aside, it's a wonderful combination.

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Exactly 💯

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Lovely post! Thank you for sharing Jane, you are not late, you are savouring and enjoying your journey. PS you look lovely 😊

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Thanks so much!!

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Thanks so much Lori!!

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