Unconditional love from pets, especially dogs, is awesome. They are excited to see you whether you've been gone a minute or a day.

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So true! It's flattering to think we are the most interesting person on their world. We are there world❤️🐾

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When our youngest told us he was adopting a dog with his roommates at the beginning of his sophomore year of college, I thought, for sure he was making a huge mistake. Did he realize that he was going to be responsible for another living being? Not for a semester or a year, but for a decade. The responsibility of finding a caretaker when he was away from school and couldn’t take the dog with him? Plus, what would happen after college? Not to mention just the day to day responsibilities of taking care of a pet! Turns out, he wasn’t just rescuing a dog from a bad situation… The dog was rescuing him. His dog has given him more stability in his life, in a time of great change. I can see now how she has helped him navigate his college years. Helped him with her unconditional love, her need for routine, her need to go outside and be fed and simply get him out of his head (and his apartment) and think of someone else’s needs. I’m glad you have that too!

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Your words made me think of Mary Oliver’s The Sweetness of Dogs: https://wordsfortheyear.com/2014/02/11/the-sweetness-of-dogs/. It’s one of my favorite poems, and much like your post, reminds me to give myself the same love my dog gives me.

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Thanks! I'll check it out

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Sugar had 6 puppies and we are exhausted but grateful for healthy babies...now I need to nap!!

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That's so wonderful! Get some rest

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Jun 18Liked by Jane Deegan

Animals seem to detect when we are semi lost or sick . My dog lobo died in 2016 , days before he was to be put down .He was a great dog that new something ha changed in me mentally and physically . I had called the vet about giving him away , out of love for him .Vet said he couldn't because lobo was part husky part wolf .I had thought so but know I knew . He weighed over 150 pounds and on hind legs stood over 5foot 11 inches . He was great to play with and great watch dog , but mostly a lover . The reason i had to get rid of him , my cardio Dr found my aortic valve was about to burst so i needed surgery April 1st 2016 . He said if i survived surgery dog could not be here for months after i got home . I took Lobo outside to play catch 2 days after my moms funeral and two days before my surgery , Still having no idea what to do . He decided i guess not to leave it to me , We played catch about 20 minutes , he ran up and collapsed next to me . I looked in his eyes checked him best I could and realized he was having a stroke . put his head on my lap , he passed about 10 minutes later . Have i missed him to this day very much . Losing him and Mom right before surgery left me in shock .What did i learn from him , love is unique in many ways .He always loved me and my kids ,Just don't mess with him like me neighbor did twice . He will hurt you . I still have scars now in 2024 from playing rough with lobo . yet I knew he needed to blow of steam now and than . So did he pass on out of love or love for me , I will never know . i just know he treated me better than most people in my life . hugs and love and miss you lobo

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I'm so sorry about your loss, especially during that difficult time of your life. Our pets seem very in tuned with their humans. When it is their time I think they know. Our pets are Angels on earth and above

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Jun 19Liked by Jane Deegan

I agree with you all the way , And knows i love him as I know he loved me . He was indeed my Angel . I have long thought he was my guide through life at that point .Every time I came back from the hospital after seeing mom , he would think of something goofy to do or want to play . Than mom passed I am sure he knew i didn't want to make the choice , so he did it his way . He was indeed and Angel a one of a kind animal / LOVE YOU LOBO

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I've always said that how we love our dogs is how we love ourselves. And how our dogs love us is a constant reminder of how we should love ourselves.

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We accept and give them grace, like we should for ourselves. They teach us so much about ourselves. Thanks for sharing your perspective and commenting

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Jun 18Liked by Jane Deegan

Awwww, they just know when to nudge us, don’t they? I hope you got through the comparison BS my friend. Hate being stuck in that!

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They really do seem to know. The comparisons come out of no where. I was feeling pretty good about myself and then... We all have our ups and downs I guess

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I'll have to check it out. Thanks so much for sharing

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I'm so sorry to hear about Lobo. Our pets seem to have an unexplainable connection to their humans

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Yep. Every. Single. Day. I am literally Taylor Swift, Mother Teresa, and King Charles when I come down in the morning to walk my dogs. They literally could not be more excited to see me. And to be honest - I'm not really all that! Just a man with a beard and a dog lead! Thanks for this post I just subscribed.

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