
Oh my goodness 10-06 and Seabreeze. I used to get acne on my back and shoulder in my early teens, not sure why. I tried everything. Hormones! I always gained weight in my belly. The visceral fat gets harder to loseFor me cutting sugar helps so much. I think as long as you are healthy and are strong. That's what it's about really. I've been hearing lately on how important strength training is for women. It's something I swear by. It's more important than aerobic, but we need both

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It is. I’m East Asian and that puts me at high risk of osteoporosis. I worked with a personal trainer on and off for the past 13 years and am doing barre classes as well. I try to get those 90 minutes/week in as often as I can. My grandmother used to tell me that it wasn’t lady-like to be muscular and I used to believe her. It took until just before she passed (11 years ago) for me to be okay with working with weights. I used to purposely attempt to fail gym because I didn’t want to disappoint her.

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Women don't build muscles same as men. Muscles keep your bones strong. I am post menopausal now by 2 years and will keep up as much as I can, but have shoulder issues. Balance exercises are so important too

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My grandmother was an immigrant from Hong Kong (OG from Macau). She was born in 1923 and definitely had a different idea/standard of beauty and the role of women. And this is even though she prided herself as being a "modern woman." She was, for example, part of the first generation of (diaspora) Chinese women NOT to have bound feet. She was also educated (finished high school, could have gone to university had there not been a war. Yes, Macau was a Portuguese colony and was neutral during WWII, but there was always a threat that the Japanese would go in anyway). Her mother, on the other hand, was barely literate and had bound feet. That was what it was like for women there back then. My great-grandmother also had to deal with her husband having concubines. I think there was a total of four sister wives.

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Concubines and sister wives. I can't even. Your great-grandmother sounded like an amazing woman and very strong

It's hard to imagine the struggles that they went through and the double standards

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The concubines were the sister wives. Second (or third, fourth, etc…) wife and concubine tend to be used interchangeably. My great-grandmother died a few years before I was born. Women were basically property in (greater) China in the early decades of the 20th century and men took on concubines like they’d buy cars or something today. 🙄. In fact, concubines were legal in Hong Kong up until the early 70s! Keep in mind Hong Kong was still a British colony at the time. Guess parliament there didn’t really care much.

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I'm so sorry went through that and the countless other women that did

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I’m 44, turning 45 this year. I had gawd-awful acne as a teen that lasted into my 20s and swore by OXY face wash, pads and 10-0-6 astringent from Bonne Bell during those years. Face cleared up right after I got my BA, thank goodness (and also thank goodness I went to grad school since it gave my face a couple more years to recover before those job interviews. Don’t want zits to make me seem younger, right?). As a high schooler and undergrad, I hated my stomach. Keep in mind that I’m rather short - 5’2” on a good day and have never weighed more than 105 lb! But I didn’t (and never did) have curves. I wanted Tonon look like a box. Or have a bulge. I’m still worried about not being toned enough and a belly, but at my age now, it’s about that dreaded visceral fat that you CAN’T see, the kind where you can be skinny, but still not healthy. I did naturally lose about 5 lb after I stopped adding sugar to coffee and started walking daily. Never ate a lot of ultra processed foods and don’t even have the urge to consume them.

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I can't stand processed food either. At lest not anymore. I think the less sugar and processed food you eat the less you what. Both can be addicting though, speaking from my own experience:)

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