Empathy: the bully destroyer/

As with you, Jane, I had a year where I was bullied. Came out of the blue, for I had always been the most popular kid in class, the leader of the gang. But then I was 13 and in a new school and knew nobody, and this bully decided to pick on me. Was not physical or anything, just name calling. Until after a few months our class was divided into teams for a months-long project. We were on the same team, and now he needed me because I was smart. Would I keep the notes for the group? Sure, I said, knowing my family was moving again — mid school year — in a month’s time, before the project was due. For four weeks he wanted to know if I was capturing his notes in the project. Sure, I said, but I was doing nothing. We moved, and I thought about his empty project when it was due. Petty of me.

But after that, in yet another school, I was popular again, and never bullied again in my life. But I had that one year…

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Kids can be so cruel. So sorry you went through that. I thought this story was amusing when I wrote it as my English class as a teen. The class thought it was hilarious too when our teacher read it. As a mom my own fiction writing in this story breaks my heart. It definitely hits differently as an adult

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Very true, but your mind came up with a great story all right.

Don’t feel bad for me. I have great confidence that comes from a solid childhood. While I didn’t enjoy the bullying, I didn’t internalize it. It was that idiot’s fault.

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I did. There was a kid that got bullied in middle school I kind of went along with the crowd. It was based loosely on him

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I figured.

Whereas I am proud to say I never bullied. In fact when I was group leader, and we were choosing sides for sports, I would pick the overlooked kids early, give them as much confidence as I could, and then watch them beat the other team.

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That's great! Wish I could say differently. I did stick up for the bullied later on and on ward I always sided with the underdogs

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We needed more people like you in our childhoods for sure.

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Hi Jane! This was really great to read.. how well written for a teenager 👏 very impressive! 😊 Such a great message too 👍

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Thanks so much! I had to write it all by hand. No autocorrect, no AI, no word processing back then or white out! I'm thankful my teacher looked at the sentence structure, plot, character development and not my grammar, etc

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Great writing at such a young age , Jane . I loved it , ever school I knew had people like that , They thought they were to cool for their own good .I was a bully once in schools just to cover my hidden fears , and because it was only way I had so called friends . Yet it didn't start like that until I was out of the hospital . We had a so called nerd in school , everyone picked on him threatened him , One day I stood in front of him ,Said to others go through me get him . Yes I fought his fights many times . Yet I gained friends on both sides . Today many years later , All my so called friends are gone And they guy i stood up for will be taking me to hospital in a few hours for cardio and Oncology tests . Funny how life changes as we grow older or in your case a a good dream . Hugs and peace

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Thanks so much, Mitch. I truly appreciate your comments and sharing your story. I'm sure your positive example set the stage for others even if you didn't see it then. So many bully others out of fear of being a target, some maybe were bullied in some form and others maybe full of themselves. I had a cousin that bullied me and years later he told me he was bullied horribly as a child. I used him as an inspiration for another fiction story I wrote

That's wonderful that you made a life long friend from him. It's funny how things work in life with Friendships

I hope you are doing well OK. I know healthwise it's been a rough road for you

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Yes it has been rough road health wise , Honestly scared to see both Drs today but no choice . You have read some of my story do yes in many ways you can sat it was because of being bullied .Yet as i thought about it , Am I a bully for sticking up for people that couldn't or wouldn't out of fear . So yes would fight others for them if needed . Hugs and peace to you and family

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Thanks so much for standing up for others. Sorry you aren't feeling well. I enjoy your writing, but it was triggering at the same time to read at this time. Keep writing!

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Happy 40th to this story! What perspective from young eyes!! Thank you for sharing 🤍

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Thank you! It's fun looking over my old stories. I started out writing fiction when I was about 6 and finished "novels" about middle school age when I was worried writing was "uncool" This story was well received by peers and I was a "celebrity" for a few days

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11 hrs agoLiked by Jane Deegan

Wow, this is great! Wish I had that kind of talent back then. Bullies, ugh?

Did the teacher recognize anyone in your story? Did peers hear it and if so did they recognize anyone?

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There was one kid that got picked on a lot. I used a different name obviously. I don't think if registered with any one. I had one kid say. Her mom probably helped her write it. That really good story in English. I smiled. Knowing it was a compliment, unrattled. He was a bully to another kid. I wonder if he saw himself there. He made this one boy's life miserable. I regret not saying anything

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